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What kind of Huaqiao canteen should be selected for contracting


What kind of Huaqiao canteen should be chosen for contracting?

1. See if the canteen contracting company has the management ability to operate the school canteen: If the canteen contracting company has the experience or management ability to operate the school canteen, it is better to manage the school canteen.

2. See if the canteen contracting company has a successful canteen management mode: Secondly, whether the canteen contracting company has a successful canteen management mode is the key subject of investigation. It should ask the canteen hosting company to explain and provide management concepts and then conduct on-the-spot investigation. It is best to go to them. Provide the contractors to conduct field visits and listen to their views.

3. Check the economic strength and honors of the canteen contracting company: see if there is any discrepancy between what you see on the advertisement and what is actually in his company. Finally, when you decide which company is best to try to cooperate for a month, don't rush to sign long-term contracts.

Established in 2017, Kunshan Tianzhifu Catering Management Co., Ltd. is a professional catering enterprise specializing in Kunshan vegetable distribution, Kunshan group meal, fast food distribution, canteen contracting, canteen custody, food material distribution, etc. Large and medium-sized factory canteens, schools, government agencies, etc., provide safe, nutritious and diverse services.


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